Whos the best music artist of 2010


Talofa lava afio mai-Welcome to my fale.
All do respect please follow the rules.

-Take of your slippers/shoes and relax.
-Grab a cup of Coffee or Tea.
-Respect the fale.

-Do no post disrespectful comments.

-Make sure to grab a Fala.

-Enjoy your time.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rhyme End Lines

ok this is like a game, ok what ever rhyme i do, you will have to follow it and put in your own lines are you ready? ok here we go.

-Let me try to put you in line/ i rhyme after rhyme after every other time/ now its time for you
to get on it too/ now i aint tryna force your if your rhymes/ is harder then mines/ then you should put it down/ peacefully on the ground/ its time to part my ways/ and its your turn to play/ (your lines of rhymes).

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