Whos the best music artist of 2010


Talofa lava afio mai-Welcome to my fale.
All do respect please follow the rules.

-Take of your slippers/shoes and relax.
-Grab a cup of Coffee or Tea.
-Respect the fale.

-Do no post disrespectful comments.

-Make sure to grab a Fala.

-Enjoy your time.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


A Samoan man from Savaii in traditional lava lava went to a pub and was having beers. The pub door opened, and a white man with a big beard came in and ordered a beer. After the bartender gave him the beer, he left the bar without paying. The bartender shouted "Sir you haven't paid your bills". The Beard man looked angrily and said " FBI agent " The bartender replied "No problem Sir" A second man with a beard came to the bar and ordered a beer. He took the beer and started walking out, by which time the bartender shouted again and said " Sir you haven't paid your bills" The man looked back and said "FBI agent". The bartender replied "No problem Sir" The Samoan man was running out of money for another bottle of beer so he went to the bar, ordered a beer and left the bar without paying. The bartender shouted once again, "Excuse me Sir, you haven't paid your bills" The Samoan man acting pissed, turned around and replied "FBI agent" The bartender then said " Where is your beard." The Samoan man lifted his lava lava and said, "Secret Agent!!!, Beard under cover" " FBI AGENT "

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