Whos the best music artist of 2010


Talofa lava afio mai-Welcome to my fale.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I'm just a lonely rider finding my way,
a lot of obstacles come my way I can't,
deny it because it feels the same,
when time comes with pain, there’s no
trying to reveal the ache, that cause
this break, I’m tired of folks over taking
respect, but I don't get the same, its not
about fame, its not about shortcuts in life,
its not about you, its not about things, its
just that some people are not the same,
when I try my best to fit in, all I get is pain
that I’m feeling, what did I do wrong? What more
do you need? I’m tired of this bullshit, all the
sweat that I make, to show you girl that I’m
not a fake, I don't lie to you just to get a date,
I ask you for a reason, but you said I deserve better
than that, what happens if I’m the only on that lives?
I’m tired of you getting hurt, but denied the fact that
I was not the man you thought of, but then missed out
on a better chance, to clear all that stress but still then
I was denied, you ask for a serious relationship,
I make you smile, I’ll care for you, I’ll be there
when your down, I’ll be the one picking up that
frown, cause all I want to do is make you happy,
and make sure relationships will carry, you tell
me to much problems in the past, let me help you take that
and erase it, I been thru much more that you, I’m a lonely
rider all I want to do, is to take that weight from you,
so that you know we can carry on, together we can
work things out, let me be the one that care for you,
I promise to also cherish you, and LOVE YOU too.

By: Rocky Mane.

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