Whos the best music artist of 2010


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Thursday, April 22, 2010


Life as it seems right before your eyes things start to change a new generation with new kind of skills, as for us OLD SCHOOL they say unlikely NEW SCHOOL its changing things around. I remember way back when i use to be a little kid, life was fun man life was so fun it take you right off your feet when your tired, time and year passes by more and more new school life and generations took over, as I take you slowly into a mind of a watcher thats is me this is what i see.

Children grow up to be teenagers then to adult, just like us but our time was slow our time was fun and we never had all these things they do now, Cable TV, Cellphones, Internet, all we had back then was typewriters, house phones, and Antenna TV very old school i say right? this is the luckiest generation to have all this gimmicks and gadgets to make things simple, offcourse we learn how to do things the hard way with Pencil and Paper, while this generations get all off these right in front of there fingure tips. I always ask my self this "I think i'm getting old" but that only says a few of whats going on, there is alot of ways things can go wrong. Family violence was midstream back in the days but now, it went from midstream to caution, Teenage Pregnancy very mild back then, right now its almost higher then crime rate, some people are trying their best just to keep it a mid level and lower, but generations after generations things starting going up, take a closer look now, females there own biological father sexually harasses them, even step-dads, grandpas, cousins, friends are doing the same thing, i say to myself whats wrong with these people? Relationships now that's a big deal now a days, why do females choose guys that are not right for them? why do some people say they are not married and yet they are? is it because of lust? are those taking over the generations mind and flood them with particular one thing? why do they lie and say they don't have kids? and yet they have 1-2 or more kids? I experience this with my own eyes and to tell you the truth its an ugly sight seriously, every time i get close to a relationship with someone, things happen like drama or saying someone saw you with who and who, i mean come on now can a guy like me get some love too? all they look for in relationships in a guy from a females point of view is handsome they will fall for em, and denied the others, this person could be right for her/him but denied the fact that they are not cute or handsome or whatever they think. I tried so many times and it seems like its not working out that well. I guess its just the way things are now, so tell me what do you think? What do you see that's true? what do you see that's not? leave me a line and I'll get back to you whenever i can.

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